As the lockdown period is prolonged, Humanity First UK are continuing to support as many people as we can through our National Coronavirus Support Line, continuing to give people guidance through this trying time. In Wandsworth, we have volunteers on the ground who are ‘helping hands’ for any residents who are self-isolating. There is also some great work going on in Scotland where volunteers are delivering food supplies in Glasgow. We have also worked with AMA UK East Region to prepare and distribute hot meals for staff at Homerton University Hospital in Hackney, London. Whilst in the North, we supported our key workers by preparing 116 hot meals for them to enjoy.
Ready to Go Meals for NHS staff arrive at A&E
Our team in Belgium are continuing to support families, with meals being prepared and distributed in Antwerp and Brussels. We have also been looking after our medical staff by delivering 100 meals to the Erasmus Hospital in Brussels for the intensive care staff. Many donations have been received by the Humanity First food bank in Belgium, enabling us to help those in need. In Kosovo, the team have been diligently preparing food packs to enable distribution to over 500 households that are in need. While in Macedonia, food packs have been prepared and distributed to those in need and the team continues to distribute Coronavirus awareness leaflets.
PPE provided by Humanity First France to Hospital Staff Delivery of face masks to the Hospital by Humanity First France Humanity First France provided food for the homeless in the cities
As France continues with the lockdown, our team there have been hard at work to support their communities. In Paris, our volunteers have been making and distributing face masks for the brave front-line health workers in the fight against Coronavirus. So far 150 masks have been distributed, and 350 more orders have been received. Across the greater Paris area, we are continuing to support the homeless having provided 565 meals so far and are continuing to assist 9 hospitals. In Strasbourg, our volunteers have been supporting homeless people and refugees by providing relief items for over 220 people; whilst in Mayotte, our team has worked with a local charity to prepare food packages that will help families in need. Not only have Humanity First France been supporting their local communities, but they have also provided 1280 hot meals for the homeless and refugees in French Guiana with support from the Red Cross.
Humanity First Sweden are also continuing to support their hospitals, emergency care workers and shelters, in both Stockholm and Gothenburg, by delivering food to keep their spirits up and their energy going. Our team there has also been working with MKA Sweden and Comple Konditori (a local restaurant) to provide food and hand sanitizer to shelters and to deliver food packages to care workers in Stockholm. In Malmo, our team are working with MKA Malmo to prepare and deliver meals to a nearby shelter.
PPE prepared by Humanity First Volunteers Food packs prepared by Humanity First Sweden Food deliveries for the Hospital Staff in Sweden by our volunteers
Humanity First teams are active in 48 countries with over 2000 volunteers working diligently to help those in need. Our teams across other continents have also continued to enhance efforts to support local communities. Check out our other articles to find out more.
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